Kristina S. Jakobsen & Flemming Ove Bech

Chips / Blank collar

11. september 2015
4. oktober 2015

Kristina S. Jakobsen


Flemming Ove Bech
blank collar

Flemming Ove Bech
blank collar
Evoking images through denim twill textile.
Continuous tone. High contrast. High contrast fades. Perversion.
Woven cloth is a system, a grid. This is also true to all images viewed on a screen and/or recorded or otherwise mediated digitally. Here pixels play the role of warp and weft threads. Is high resolution high quality, high status?
Both fabric and digital images are, because of their binary structure, high contrast at their core, yet able to elegantly reproduce (mimic/simulate) continuous tone and communicate many complex (low contrast for this purpose) historical and contemporary signs and symbols – semiotics religion, class and culture through fashion.
These connections between visual culture (to use a term broader than photography) and textile are some of what lay as foundation for these works.
With ‘blank collar’ I want to address and investigate the relationship between high resolution and high quality/status/class by feeding images back and forth between extremely high and very low resolution utilizing both digital and analogue technologies to extents, to which they were not necessarily meant to be used. The images themselves are indexes of fetish (an inherent property of the photographed) and I want to observe what happens in this context when I deteriorate their mimetic quality (resolution) while reproducing (perverting) them with an, again, fetishistic attention to printing methods and materials.