Hilda Ekeroth med gæst Nancy Naser Al Deen

A blasting sun. A thin ray of sunshine eked through a hole in the cloud cover and lit the table at a slant.

8. september 2017
17. september 2017

En serie af malerier, tegninger og grafiske tryk baseret på research fra Beirut i 2017, omkring perception af virkelighed, omgivelser og samtid.

“At zoome ind på detaljer eller på det meget lokale kan skifte perceptionens fokus. Det, der plejede at være perifert, kan blive centralt. Denne mekanisme, eller strategi, har interesseret mig igennem nogle år nu. Strategien kan fungere som et effektivt værktøj for en ikke aggressiv aktivisme eller for at omskrive historien, men den kan også bruges for at forstå perceptionens mere subjektive, eller psykologiske aspekter.
Jeg har inviteret arkitekt Nancy Naser al Deen som min gæst i denne udstilling, for at afprøve et fremtidigt samarbejde. Hun vil præsentere grafiske tryk og fortællinger om vigtige landemærker i Beirut, som påvirkes af skrupelløs byudvikling og ejendomsspekulation.”

Hilda Ekeroth er billedkunstner, skribent og kurator. Hendes seneste research har fokuseret på to distinkte områder; perceptionens kulturelle historie og apparatus—specielt i fortællinger om samtiden—samt fordybelse og ekspansion af hendes arbejde med maleri og tegning.
Hilda Ekeroth er udannet på Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi Billedkunstskolerne og har studeret kulturantropologi på Uppsala Universitet. Hun har udstillet i Italien, Libanon, Danmark, Sverige, Tyskland, USA, Spanien og Marokko i solo- og samarbejdsprojekter. Hun er grunder og co-director af Antechamber-Project Space for Drawing and Other Research (DK). www.hildaekeroth.com

Nancy Naser Al Deen er baseret i Beirut, Libanon. Hun er arkitekt og forsker i byudvikling. Hun er uddannet kandidat i arkitektur og bachelor i billedkunst ved American University i Kairo. Hun har bidraget til research og formgivelse af mapping-publikationer i Kairo og Beirut, inklusive Downtown Cairo… Architecture and Stories with Baladilab(2013), Cairo Downtown Passageways and Re-framing Downtown Cairo with CLUSTER (2015-2016); samt Best of Beirut; publikation med Zawarib (2016-2017). Naser Al Deen har deltaget i lokale deltagerbaserede designprojekter i Egypten og Tyskland inklusive Malaab El Kobri (2015) and 72 Hour Urban Action (2014).

Varmt velkommen!

English version:

A blasting sun. A thin ray of sunshine eked through a hole in the cloud cover and lit the table at a slant.

Hilda Ekeroth with guest Nancy Naser Al Deen

Opening Friday Sept. 8 5-8pm.
Gallery Hours: Sept. 9-17, Thursday – Sunday 1-5 pm, and by appointment.

A series of paintings, drawings and graphic prints based on research conducted in Beirut, Lebanon during 2017, on perceptions of reality, environment and the present.

“Zooming in on details or very local occurrences can shift perceptual focuses. What used to be peripheral can become central. This mechanism or strategy has been my main point of interest through some years now. It can function as an effective tool for non-aggressive activism or rewriting history, but also a tool for understanding more subjective or psychological aspects of perception.
I have invited architect Nancy Naser Al Deen as my guest, to contribute to the exhibition, as a try-out for a future cooperation. She will present graphic prints and stories from important landmarks in Beirut, affected by unscrupulous ongoing urban estate development.

Hilda Ekeroth (SE) is an artist, writer, and curator whose recent research is focused on two distinct areas: the cultural history and apparatus of perception—in particular stories of the present—and a reconciliation and expansion of her work in drawing and painting. Hilda Ekeroth received her MFA at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and studied Cultural Anthropology in Uppsala University, Sweden. She has exhibited in Italy, Lebanon, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, US, UK, Spain and Morocco in solo- and cooperative projects. She was co-founder and curator of Antechamber-Project Space for Drawing and Other Research (DK). www.hildaekeroth.com

Nancy Naser Al Deen is a Beirut-based architect and urban researcher. She graduated with a degree in Architecture and a minor in Visual Arts from the American University in Cairo and has contributed to the research and design of various mapping publications in Cairo and Beirut including Downtown Cairo… Architecture and Stories with Baladilab (2013); Cairo Downtown Passageways and Creative Cities: Re-framing Downtown Cairo with CLUSTER (2015-2016); as well as the seasonal Best of Beirut publication with Zawarib (2016-2017). Naser Al Deen participated in different community based design-build projects in Egypt and Germany including Malaab El Kobri (2015) and 72 Hour Urban Action (2014).